Artist info
Videos paintings
Publishing catalogues
Experimental video art

Articles and Reviews in Periodicals and Catalogues

Marc Albert-Levin « Song for a Siren » Transgression/Transcendence, p 6. Paris, 2013

Marc Albert-Levin « The Lady and the Unicorn »
Cat. Michelle Siboun, p 5. Paris, 2011
Transgression/Transcendence, p 150. Paris, 2013

Marc Albert-Levin « Liberty Liberté »
Cat. New York -New York, p 42. Paris, 2010
Cat. Cannes Cinephiles n°16 p 16. 12/05. Cannes, 2010
Transgression/Transcendence, p 136. Paris, 2013

Marc Albert-Levin « Velasquez ‘s Meninas revisited by Michelle Siboun » pp 4-14-16-17-18-19-20-21. Paris, 2008 Transgression/Transcendence, pp 97-98/2013

Nicole Gdalia « Las Meninas revisited by Siboun » Paris, 2008
Transgression/Transcendence, p 108/2013

Le Paris des Libraires
Paris en toutes Lettres, p 63. Paris, 2010

Michelle Ramin « La Voz Mitologica »
Cat. Michelle Siboun, p 43. Roure, 2007 Transgression/Transcendence, p 93/2013

Qu’est-ce ? « Las Meninas in Cannes »
pp 11-12. 31/05. Cannes, 2008
Transgression/Transcendence, pp 112-113/2013

PerformArts « Champ Libre »
Communes à la une, 14/09. Nice Matin, Cap d’ail 2010

Omiros « Turbulences »
Celebrate Art, p 4. New Jersey, 2007

Peter Shayne « Antahkarana »
Poro Rè dell’Indie p 10. London, 1998
Opera, 09/09. London, 1998
Independent, 26/09/Sunday Times, 27/09. London, 1998
Evening Standard, 29/09-01/10. London, 1998

« Art Junction International »
Nice Matin, 06/07. Nice, 1989

Benjamin Biton « Michelle Siboun »
Source de vie, pp 18-21/22. Nice, 1988

Jean Marc Tonizzo « Time »
Watches for Artists, p1. Cannes, 1995
Transgression/Transcendence, p 81/2013

Leonard Horowitz « Eve, Art Opera Rock »
The Lower East Side, 27/02/New York, 1986
Transgression/Transcendence, pp 24-25/2013

Leonard Horowitz « Fusion Extra-Ordinaire »
Say mag, p14- 07. New York, 1986
Transgression/Transcendence, p 26/2013

Leonard Horowitz « Downtown »
Say mag, Issue n° 17, 30/07. New York, 1986
Transgression/Transcendence, p 27/2013

Jenny Rosembaum « The Art of Fusion is no Illusion »
Say mag, p (4-A) 23/07. New York, 1986
Transgression/Transcendence, pp 30- 32/2013

Creative Calendar « Rivington Rites »
The New Common Good, p 14-06. New York, 1986
Transgression/Transcendence, p 31/2013

Leonard Horowitz « Social engineering/Social sculptoring »
The New Common Good, p 3-5, 08. New York, 1986
Transgression/Transcendence, p 33/2013

Danielle Giraudy « Autour de la Femme au Miroir »
Cat. Autour de la femme au miroir, p 2. Algiers, 1988
Transgression/Transcendence, p 47/2013

Alain Gouhlier « The Girl in front of the Mirror »
Nancy University, 1989
Transgression/Transcendence, pp 44-45/2013

Daniel Martin Lisselief « Identity as a question »
Cat. Michelle Siboun. Paris, 1985
Transgression/Transcendence, p 18/2013

Le Provencal « Michelle Siboun à la Cremaillere »
Alpes Matin 04/10. Marseilles, 1984
Trangression/Transcendence, p 19/2013

Egidio Alvaro « Michelle Siboun »
« D’un naturel baroque » Paris 1978
« Un support a l’imaginaire » Cat. Galerie Noire, Paris, 1979
« Die spraach der still » Cat. Saarbruck Museum, Saarbruck, 1980

Ars Longa Vita Brevis « Michelle Siboun »
Cat. Nice, 1988

Writings and Films by the Artist

Songs and Poetry for You
New York, 1990

Music and Colors combinations
Boston, 1991

Videos « Antropological Structures of the Imaginary »

New York, 1990

New York, 1990

Arqua Area Utopia
New York, 1991

L’Oeil du Peintre
Paris, 2009

The Mirror
Paris, 2009

Selected Group and Solo Exhibitions

The Lady and the Unicorn, Nice 2011
Paintings/Solo show
l’Entre Pont, Halle Spada

Traces and Memories, Roure 2011
Vegetal sculptures Installation
Arboretum Marcel Kroenlein

Paris en toutes Lettres, Paris 2010
Poetry and street group performances
Arenes de Lutece
Le Cent-Quatre

Liberty Liberté, Paris 2010
Paintings/Drawings/Solo show
Editions Caractères Gallery

Liberty Liberté Cannes 2010
Paintings/Drawings/Solo show
Quinzaine des Realisateurs, MJC Picaud

Vintage Spirit, Nice 2010
Artists in residence/Group show
L’Entre Pont, Halle Spada

Toucher, Cap d’Ail 2010
Video/Group show
Villa Roc Fleuri, No Made collective

The New Berlin, 20 Years of Change, Berlin 2009
Street Art Festival/Group performances
20th Anniversary of The Fall of Berlin Wall

Times Square Meninas, Cannes 2009
Cannes Cinephiles Festival/Paintings/Solo show, MJC Picaud

Festival d’Art contemporain, Nice 2009
Panels paintings for the City tramways

Festival du Livre, Nice 2009
Panels paintings for the City tramways

Velasquez’s Meninas revisited, Paris 2008
Paintings/Drawings/Solo show
Editions Caractères Gallery

Las Meninas in Times Square, New York 2008
Virtual urban installation
Times Square, NYC

Images et Memoires d’un quartier, Cannes 2008
Velasquez’s Meninas revisited in 8m3 container box
Child’s Human Rights in 8m3 container box
Lorenzo Biagi/Michelle Siboun/Show in a Public Space

Velasquez’s meninas, Etape 2, Nice 2008
Paintings / Solo show
Artist in residence, L’Entre Pont, Halle Spada

Toucher, Cap d’Ail 2008
Villa Roc Fleuri, Collectif No Made

Excavations, Roure 2007
Vegetal sculptures/Installation
Arboretum Marcel Kroenlein

Celebrate Art, New Jersey 2007
Paintings/Group show
St John’s Episcopal Church, Hoboken

Poro, Rè Dell’Indie, London 1998
Paintings/Solo show
St Bartholomew the Great Abbaye

The Sacred Mirror, Kortrijk 1997
Paintings/Solo show
Kruidstraat studio

Celebrating Earth Day, Boston 1992
Days of Artists in support of Human Rights
Group performances
Boston City Hall Plaza

Universal Seville Expo 1992
Paintings/Group show
Corporate Pavillon

Paris- Connections, Paris/San Fransisco 1992
Paintings/Group show
Espace Chapon, Paris
Meyer Gallery, San Francisco

Contemporary Art, Paris 1991
Paintings/Sculptures/Group show
Espace Aragon, Long Jumeau

The Magician’s Mirror, Paris 1991
Paintings/Sculptures/Solo show
Cafe Vogue

Ozain en Concert, Paris 1990
Boston performing Music Band
French Ministry of Finance, Bercy

In/Out, New York 1990
Basement/Installation/Solo show
The Emerging Collector Gallery, NYC

The Contemporary Art Scene, New York 1990
Paintings/Sculptures/Group show
The Emerging Collector Gallery, NYC

International Exhibition, Boston 1989
Paintings/Solo show
Imtraud Anna Thiel Gallery

Michelle Siboun, Puerto Rico 1989
Paintings/Solo show
Casa Campeche, Old San Juan

Luigi Marrozzini Gallery, Puerto Rico 1988
Paintings/Group show
Corinne Timsit Gallery
Sculptures/Group show, Old San Juan

Festival de la Calle San Sebastian Puerto Rico 1989
Paintings/Group show
Calle San Sebastian, Old San Juan

Latinos-Americanos Artists , Puerto Rico 1989
Paintings/Group show
Centro del Arte de la Calle Campeche, Old San Juan

Art Junction International, Nice 1989
Paintings/Sculptures/Group/Solo shows
International Air fair
The Emerging Collector Gallery, NYC

The Girl in front of the mirror, Algiers 1988
Paintings/Solo show
French Cultural Center

Contemporary New York Artist, Athens 1987
Paintings/Solo show
Constitution Plaza

The Four Little Girls, New York 1986
Installation/Reading Art/Group performances
The Sculpture Garden, Lower East Side, NYC

French Creators in Liberty, New York 1986
La Dame de Canton on Hudson River, NYC

NYC Artists take Liberty, New York 1986
Paintings/Group show
On the Wall Gallery, NYC

Rivington and Forsythe Street Art Event, New York 1986
Street Art/Group performances
Art installation at Freddy the Dreamer Gallery, NYC
Nolo Contender, No Se No, Nada Galleries, NYC

The Contemporary Art scene, New York 1986
Paintings/Group show
The Emerging Collector, NYC

Moving Installation, New York 1986
Rivington School Performances
Freddy the Dreamer Gallery, NYC

Summer Solstice Celebration, New York 1986
Central Park Band’Shells performances
Central Park, NYC

Tompskins Square Art Festival, New York 1986
Grand Conch Chorus performances
Tompskins square, NYC

Animal Art, New York 1986
Sculptures/Group show
Iguana International Gallery, NYC

Fusion Event, New York 1986
Rivington School performances
The Sculpture Garden, NYC

Equinox Celebration, New York 1986
Group performances
New York Open Center, NYC

Open Poetry Reading, New York 1986
The Disorientals/Group performances
Vodicka Atelier 97, NYC

Tee-Shirts by Artists, Chicago 1986
Tee-Shirts/Group show
Chicago Contemporary Museum of Arts

Street Urban Jungle, New York 1986
Recycled objects/Group show
Micro-Macro Gallery, NYC

Terne Gallery Artists, New York 1986
Paintings/Sculptures/Group show
Terne Gallery, NYC

Spring Festival, New York 1986
Fusion Art performances
Newman studio, NYC

The Scrap Metal Band of Downtown, New York 1986
Interacting sound performances

In the Night of no Moon, New York 1985
Purgatorio’ 85, 350 NYC Artists performances

EVE Art Opera Rock, New York 1985
Collaborative avant garde Opera by theMultinational Chain Gang of Downtown NYC

Rivington School and Fusion Arts, Venice 1985
Video department
42th Venice Biennal

Michelle Siboun new Paintings, New York 1985
Solo show
Cafe Americano, NYC

Friends of Spanish Opera, New York 1985
Paintings/Group show
De Merry Art Gallery, NYC

A Benefit for Mexico City, New York 1984
Paintings/Group show
Eros’studio, NYC

Mudd Club Artists, New York 1984
Paintings/Installations/Group show
Mudd Club Art Gallery, NYC

Chelsea Hotel Artists, New York 1984
Paintings/Group show
Chelsea Hotel, NYC

Michelle Siboun, New York 1984
Paintings/Solo show
De Merry Art Gallery, NYC

Yvonne Seguy Artists, New York 1984
Paintings/Solo show
Yvonne Seguy Gallery, NYC

Die Spraach Der Still, Saarbruck 1980
Group show/Installations
Saarbruck Museum, Saarland

La Fabrique, Toulouse 1980
Group performances/Installations
La Fabrique, Toulouse le Mirail University

Michelle Siboun, Marseilles 1980
Sculptures/Solo show
Atelier le Moulin

Michelle Siboun, Metz 1980
Sculptures/Solo show
Divergence Gallery

Un support a l’Imaginaire, Paris 1980
Sculptures/Group show
Galerie Noire, Paris

Salon de Mai, Paris 1980
Paintings/Group show

Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Paris 1979
Salon de la Jeune Sculpture, Paris 1979
Paintings/Sculptures/Group show